Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Lime Green

Every organization has one. They were all copies of the original, and it seemed unfair to steal a good idea and use it for an unworthy cause. I'm talking about those rubber bracelets that you see everywhere and in every color. Cancer survivors were the first to wear them I think. Yellow was the color. Everyone knew what they were for and what they were about. Then the idea spread like hot syrup on pancakes. Random sayings, schools, sports teams, ACU, and the dumbest one yet is the Association of Texas Professional Educators. How lame is that! Like I'm going to wear a red bracelet honoring the ATPE!! I was against any and all copies of the original.

Until last week when Shar and I received our lime green bracelets. These are different. These have meaning. These are cool green bracelets in honor of a boy named Ira. They represent the original idea with class. Supporting a worthy cause is what the yellow bracelets were about, and honoring the survivor you knew. The green bracelets follow the same idea. My plan is to give it back to Ira when he graduates from high school. How cool would it be for this boy to receive 500 green bracelets 18 years from now from a bunch of people he doesn't even know. God bless the Hays family. God bless those who lift them up.

1 comment:

Laura said...

As the mother of Ira, it means so much to me to know others are thinking about and praying for my son. Thanks Byron for your post.