Friday, May 11, 2007

Batter Up!

Blake loves to play ball, of any sort. Football, Baseball, Basketball, Beachball. He really does not care as long as we are hitting or kicking something and running after eachother.

He really enjoys baseball. Ron and Diana bought Blake his first tee ball set after he turned 2. He love it so much that I had to duck tape it together after just a few months. He graduated from that to a self pitch machine that my parents gave him. 5 plastic baseballs in a shoot and you press the button and one by one they come flying up and Blake hits them. Now we have moved on the dad pitch. He has a very open stance, but does a good job swinging the bat and hitting the ball.

Here is little video of him hitting. The film is poor in quality but you get to see him. My favorite part is his reaction after he is done. Enjoy.

Blake the Batter


Sarah said...

What a little slugger! He's really good -- and I have spent PLENTY of time at the ball field lately to be an adequate judge! I hated baseball until God gave me a little boy that loves it dearly. Now it is our life...!

Anonymous said...