Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I was not able to go to the doctors office with Shar and Anna Jo as I had planned. The results given were good in that we know what we are dealing with and there is no major medical complication causing these seizures.

The doctor wants to begin treatment with medication soon. This will involve several things that we are not excited about.
1. Blood work every 3 to 6 months. I know that many of your kids have endured this but since we have not then we count this as a negative.
2. Side Affects. We do not want anything to change the sweet and playful personality that Anna Jo has. Medication will most likely have some impact on her. We are unsure what.
3. Not treating will potentially cause safety issues. If Anna has a seizure while walking down stairs or crossing the street or playing on the play scape then we could have a fall and create other issues. Glass half empty thinking but necessary thoughts at this point.
4. Drugs. We are not big fans of pumping synthetic drugs in our kids. I love them for me but for my 4 year old I prefer not.

We are looking for wisdom and guidance in this are and hope for a clear mind to make good decision. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.


Janice M. said...

We wanted you and Sharla to know that Anna and your whole family have been in our prayers. I know that God will guide you to make the right decision about her medications. Audrey had some trauma today too...she broke her collar bone at daycare!
Hope you decide to keep the blog going...I have been a reader since you started it.
Love ya'll
Janice & John

Debbie said...

Praying for you all!

Scott F said...

Then that is EXACTLY what we will pray for -- in addition to total healing, we will pray for wisdom and guidance and a clear mind as you make your decisions. We love you guys.

Unknown said...

Byron and Sharla,
I hadn't read blogs lately, and am so sorry to hear about Anna's seizures and having to go through all the tests. Hope her medications are working well without serious side effects! You'll all be in our prayers for healing, wisdom and peace. He is Able! Love and blessings, Nancy