Saturday, November 28, 2009

Turkey Week

Football ended and life works back to normal again. Turkey week this year was interesting and busy. It began with Anna having her first lab work which is required based on the anti seizure medicine she is taking. We were nervous about sticking our 4 year old with a large needle and drawing 4 tubes of blood. Anna sat in Shar's lap, and Shar secured her off arm and her body. I grabbed her other arm and held it under the elbow and on the wrist. As the tech showed us the needle I told Anna to look at the ceiling and before we could say anything else she was laughing. As she lowered her head to watch the blood flow through the tube she asked to make sure it was her blood and then gladly watched in amazement. She earned a Happy Meal for that one.

Thanksgiving in Temple with Shar's family and missing one more grandparent. Hal Marks passed away this past July and missed him this year. Jo Ann is doing very well on her own and has such a great spirit and attitude. She is a wonderful woman and a blessing to our family.

Black Friday was a success because I slept in and Shar went shopping with her mom. It was successful, based on the fact that we did not spend out entire savings account. Another success is that I did not have to take part.

We hope you had a good week with your families and enjoyed the time together. Happy Thanksgiving.

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