Sunday, August 01, 2010


Friendship is a funny thing. It is similar to family and very different, at the same time???

There are lines in friendship that are often not crossed and they should be. The crossing of lines allows the depth of the friendship to increase or exposes the weakness of the friendship and causes it to fail.

I am mindful of the variety of friendships that I have and the value I place on different ones. Some are very surface and superficial and others are deep and highly valuable. The interesting things is my interpretation of the friendship might be very different from the person on the other end.

Life long friends like Kenny and Bubba or Jeremy. Seem to never fade. College friendships fade or grow stronger threw the years, based on the energy and activity that they create. Adult friendships based on work or children have immediate necessity and value but their future is still uncertain even though they may have great significance at this moment. They may last the decades and miles to come, or possibly only serve both parties at this current time.

My thoughts on friendship tonight exist because of three events that have happened involving 3 different friends. Two tragedies and one joy. Two chose not to use the friendship that existed and therefore we were unable to help or serve during times of struggle and crisis. One chose to call on friendship and test the depth and value there of (possibly used that wrong?).

I am grateful for all three friendship but I am also sad at the two who did not test the value of the friendship by reaching out for help. I am pleased with the one who called on us and I am happy that we were able to serve. Today one friendship grew vastly stronger, one began to grow again and one still struggles. Time will tell what happens to these.

Let me encourage you to reach out to those whom you consider your close friends. Share your struggles and call on them to do the same. Test the bond that exists and see if it grows stronger.

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