Saturday, April 30, 2005

Mom and Kids

Mom and Kids
Originally uploaded by sharla.
Welcome the newest member of our little family. "Blake, this is your sister, Anna Jo Bundy."

Dad and Kids

Dad and Kids
Originally uploaded by sharla.
Our Family.

Daddy's Girl

Daddy's Girl
Originally uploaded by sharla.
Holding Daddy's Hand

More pictures if you click on the highlighted sharla below the picture. Thank you all for your love and prayers.

Mom's Baby Girl

Mom's Baby Girl
Originally uploaded by sharla.
Sharla and Baby Girl Bundy

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Ready, Set, Go.... Part 2

It has been some time since I have placed my thoughts on the old blog. I have really missed the opportunity to talk to you all, in some form or fashion. Shar and I decided to stay off the blog for a while and focus more on our New York friends and their Baby Ira. God has been good again and their baby boy seems to be doing well.

READY, SET, GO. We are going to the hospital tomorrow ourselves. Shar is not due until the 6th of May, but our doc. wants to induce due to the probability that this baby is as large as Blake was (1 week early, 9.5 lb.). Baby Bundy comes tomorrow, April 29th. We call her Baby Bundy because we don't have a name yet. We are not in the running for parents of the year so not having a name is no big deal around here.

Pray for us please. Pray for Shar, and the delivery, and Nurse Dana and Dr. Furman as they takes care of us. More info will come as soon as I can get it to you. California and Old School; we will call you all tomorrow or you can give us a ring. God bless you all. This is again an open mic time to pass along any parental wisdom. Young and old are all welcome.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Prayers for Baby Ira

Our friends who are ministers in New York City are being induced on Thursday morning and their baby is very ill. The details can be found on these two blog sites. Brooklyn and Beyond and JWild I beg you to pray to God for healing for baby Ira and strength for his parents. Please lift Ira and his parents up before God on Thursday and Friday, which are critical days for this young boy. 1 Samuel 1:27 "I prayed for this child and the Lord granted me what I asked of Him."

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I Cried Like A Baby

I have been involved in the worship ministry at Western Hills since last November. The details of that fact and my ever present lack of confidence and ability would fill up several blogs so I will not bore you. The short story is we have been working to recreate worship as a God inspired, Spirit filled activity.

This past Sunday night was set aside as a worship evening, involving some new music that we had given the congregation on a CD as an Easter gift. The 3 worship leaders chose the songs they wanted to lead and prepared a short intro or explanation on why they were important. My songs were "Days of Elijah" and "Ancient Words".

If you know me at all you are already aware that I am not the emotional rock I would like to be. I made it through the explanation and singing of "Days" without any problem. I mentioned Robin Mark who wrote the song and some of the reasons for the words used. The church seemed to follow and sounded great singing "riding on the clouds, shining like the sun ....".

"Ancient Words" was next. This is were I folded like a cheap chair. I started out by talking about the faith that is handed down from the "Ancient Words" of God, through the Prophets, and believers we read about in he Bible. But I wanted to say more. I also feel that the "Ancient Words" are words from the saints that guided us as our faith began. The "holy words, of our faith, handed down" by saints that we knew personally. This is were I really lost it. I thought of James and JoAnn Gibbs, Eugene Winter, Bubba and Robynn Martin, Tom Bankhead, Dr. Jack Mankin, Mark Lewis, Wayne and Mimi, James LeFan, Easter Bundy and in my mind the list went on and on. Faithful believers that had impacted my life and pushed me toward the cross of Jesus. The legacy of faith that I had been given and entrusted with. The sacrifices made over the years for the benefit of the church. What touches me the most is that the "Ancient Words" do not change. They are the same for all believers.

The list of believers that passed on to me the "Ancient Words" is a much longer list then what you have read above. Who is on your list? Who are the saints that passed the legacy of faith on to you? Think about those people please. Share them if you would like to. Above all, carry on the legacy. YOU MUST.

God bless those who guided us in faith. God help us to pass on the faith to the next generation.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Quick Thoughts

My students are working on a review for the TAKS test which begins tomorrow. TAKS is the state wide test and we all, students and teachers, hate it. As I watch them work and half heartedly discuss history, I think back to my high school days. I often watch my kids and sympathize with them. I remember H.S. and how important we all thought it was, and how class seemed so worthless. It is a struggle for me now as a teacher to make class informative and enjoyable for such a wide variety of kids. What did I learn in High School that I took on to college, or still hang onto today? Nothing taht I can think of off hand. I can't remember leaving Junior High or High School and getting into a college atmosphere and recalling some piece of wisdom that was handed to me by a teacher. So what did I take from my school days? I think about this often, because I know that these kids will take very little knowledge from their J.H. and H.S. classes.

I do my best to convince the kids that they are more important to me than the subject we are discussing at the time. The facts are important, but the facts have their place and that is not above my kids. But at the same time I want them to know about The Bastille, The Punic Wars, the Fall of Rome, Alexander the Great and a bunch of other cool stuff (cool to me). It is an awkward balance. To make a high school class enjoyable as possible and create a learning environment.

So I think often on how to create that place of learning and enjoyment. I think back to Jim Hendrix (8th gr. Social Studies, not rock star), Mr. Brown's Biology class, Mrs Turrentine's English, Coach Watkins, Mrs. Vauple's J.H. English, and the many more that cared more about me than the subject. They were great teachers I'm sure, but they were great people. As my kids leave class, they have no clue what the future holds for them. From my class I hope they take a little bit of knowledge, but more importantly I hope they know that I care about who they are more than what grade they made. There are times when this job is really great.

What about the kids that hate me? What is the percentage of kids that I will not impact at all? I just ticked off this 89 pound ball of wax and he can't wait to get out of my class. What am I telling or teaching him? If it is less then the other kids, then he is really getting nothing. If I could "web cam" these kids, the things you would see that I just can't explain.

Sunday, April 10, 2005


Blake & Ball
Originally uploaded by sharla.
READY, SET, GO!!! This is Blake's favorite thing to say, besides "NO!". Ready, Set, Go is the theme of our life right now at the Bundy house. Baby #2 is a few days/weeks away. Spring Football starts the last week in April. House is not ready for a new baby. Blake is unaware of the drastic changes coming to his little world, but.... Ready, Set, Go! Seasoned parents and all wise people. We would like your advice or stories of transition from a one child to a two child family. What do we do? Something cool I just figured out. You can look at pics of our family if you click on the highlighted sharla below the pic. of Blake. I am really starting to love technology

Monday, April 04, 2005

Blah, Blah, Blah...

I am sorry for not being faithful to the blog. It has been a while since I have talked to you all.

Dad is doing great, recovering and feeling better daily. Mom went back to work today so this was his first time on his own. If you would like you can drop him an email you can at

Life here in Temple is always exciting. Sharla and I are considering a new source of income since coaching only pays pennies. Shar is interested in writing and I will be her publisher. Right now she is diligently working on the rough draft of "How to Raise a Mamma's Boy", volume one. It is a fascinating book on the joys of fatherhood when you are always the second choice. If you have any other topics that you think we would be interested in writing on, please leave them in the comments.
