Sunday, November 26, 2006


People ask when we are having more kids. My answer is always, "I'm not doing a good job with these two, why would I want to try this on a third child?"

I love my kids, but I am amazed at how they change. Anna is getting such a great personality. She is becoming so much more conversational and has the best expressions. With football season over and me spending more time at home she is actually happy to see me.

Blake is transforming from an active and eager to please little boy into an opinionated, hard headed little boy. Still very loving and sweet, but gaining confidence in his ability to do and think and say what he wants to, which is not always a good thing.

Our parenting style will have to change. I need patience in a bad way. Any advice would be much appreciated.


Sarah said...

Isn't it amazing how people are either never satisfied or incredibly nosy about your plans or both: "When are you two getting married?" "When are you two having kids?" "So when are you going to have another one?" "Don't you guys have enough kids?" Whatever.

Anyway -- no words of wisdom from me, but I remember telling Troy that baby/ toddler parenting is very physical, while parenting older kids is very mental. No doubt, and I fear that I am outwitted!

J-Wild said...

Just don't hit, yell (a lot), or denegrate them and you will be doing better than a lot of parents.

Listen your a great dad cut your kid and yourself some slack.