Tuesday, February 20, 2007


One of my earliest memories of music and singing is with my dad. He had an old guitar, and the story he told was that he gave a pint of blood while in college to buy it. Anyway, he would play some simple songs on this old guitar for me as a boy; Peter, Paul and Mary stuff or some childrens songs; nothing too fancy.

Blake brought a guitar home from church last week. It was a childs size guitar that was in the donation pile and he wanted it so we brought it home. I tuned it best I could and began playing on it. I know 4 or 5 cords and maybe 4 songs and I play them very poorly but I try.

Blake asked me to play him a song tonight and it was like I was looking right at myself from my dad's own eyes 25 years ago, and so I began to play my first childhood song Old Stewball was a Racehorse. Click on the link and then the left symbol by song #7 to hear a clip.

It is just wild how much I am like my dad, and how much Blake is like me.


April said...

Ahhhhhhhh:) That's really sweet!

Anonymous said...

If Blake is like you, Byron, then I think there is hope for the next generation. You are a good man.

Donielle said...

I can't believe you can remember that! That's really cool, the album cover instantly brought back memories but I wouldn't have thought of that song off the bat. But then again, I had the headphones on, busy listening to my Kenny Rogers favorites and Simon and Garfunkel. Love you and little Blake, very cool to see the Bundy line carried on through you both.