Sunday, March 09, 2008


It has been a while since I have been to the blog world, and I am lacking the creative thoughts to put something out there worth writing and reading.

Life here in Fort Worth has been busy, as I am sure all of your lives have been, and I have not taken time to do the blog thing lately. I'm lazy, sue me.

We had a great snow her in DFW last week, and I have some great pics of it but the blogger is beating me up and I am unable to upload any of the photos that we took so I can't share them with you. We had a light snow last Tuesday, followed by some sleet and freezing rain. Then on Wednesday it was in the low sixties as far as temperature goes. Then on Thursday morning around 11 a.m. it began to snow and before the evening was over we had about 5 inches in our yard. We went sledding on the hill at the top of the green belt and made a cool snow man in the yard, but I can't share the pics with you because of blogger.

Today after church we went to a new members lunch. It was really cool and if you want the details on what they did then you can email me and I will give them to you. For you Temple people, me met an elder and his wife that were in Temple, at S&W and at Western Hills from '82-85. Phelps is there last name and we had a good time sharing stories with them. They spoke very highly of their time at Western Hills and send there love to any who might remember them.

Curious Thoughts of Mine:
1. Did anyone really think that H.Clinton would carry Texas?
2. Why do good athletes make a coach great, and bad athletes make a coach bad?
3. I really miss my tree trimming business, except for falling out of trees and cutting my leg.
4. God didn't save me so I can get to heaven. God saved me so I can live as Christ while I'm living. (RHCC this morning.)
5. I am looking for a way to make a large sum of money without doing very much work. Any Ideas?

Have a great week.


Sarah said...

1. I never thought we would even say those words, so I'm not the one to ask!
2. Huh? I don't know athletics ... sorry...
3. It did have its pros and cons -- I still laugh over how surprised you were when Sharla showed up at the ER -- and was MAD! Great story, even better since we weren't telling it at your funeral!
4. Heard this before. Practice it rarely.
5. Ummmm, Dave Ramsey would tell you just to start a savings account, but I think you mean before the next 40 years. When you figure it out, let us know.

Anonymous said...


I am on a committee at church where we are actually working on how to integrate new members more easily into the life of our church. Would love to learn more about the New Members Luncheon at RHCC. Please email me at scottdotfergusonatcancerdotorg (I had to spell it out so some websurfing email address spam collecting system doesn't pick it up!)

Anonymous said...

I have a tree that needs to be trimmed. (and a boat for interested!) Popsicles included.
Aunt Sharon

Kelly Sessions said...

Hey Byron! I found your blog from Scott Meyer's. I just joined this thing to keep up with the family. Just wanted to say hello. I moved to Dallas 5 months ago. Richland Hills, I've actually heard amazing things...and some people I know visit there, maybe i'll take a trip to visit. Tell your beautiful wife I said hello!! I'm new to the bloggin world so I hope this works!

Unknown said...

1. I hoped not but and it doesn't make sense to me but I wasn't surprised.
2. Interesting how similar it is in sports and business--bosses get the credit and the blame for work that is largely not their own.
3. Enjoying a mental image of you up in a tree
4. Thank you
5. The only way to do it without risking everything or exploiting others is to save.