Friday, June 20, 2008

Teen Sex

This story from MSNBC was a shocker this morning to me and Shar as we ate our Lucky Charms. As we watched the news and heard the story line that "teenage girls at a public high school made a pact together to all get pregnant" we did not have a response to share with each other.  

Working in education, I see all sorts of questionable situations that concern me about the kids that I teach and coach.  The dress is so revealing; the comfort level between boys and girls is too much and the attitude of sexuality is very accepting and popular.  

It is a problem in our school systems that some many kids are sexually active, but to plan to get pregnant at a such a young age goes against the normal thoughts.  Having sex is one problem, intentionally bringing a child into the world during your high school years is more than I can understand.


Unknown said...

Hey Byron--I've been lurking on your blog recently! Linked to you through Kristen! :) Better send you the invite to see mine (not a lot to see, but you're welcome to glance)!
I'm right there with you on the teen sex scare--teaching middle school for so long still gives me nightmares.
Oh, and I just started The Shack, AND I loved your videos of Blake & Anna!

Chelsea said...

I was reading about this story Friday morning at work and it blew my mind. I have only been out of high school for 5 years but I still feel like a lot has changed. It is a pretty scary thought to imagine all of those young girls bringing babies into this world.

Sarah said...

I, too, saw this on Friday. I can't think about it. It scares the be-jabbers out of me. 2 years away from high school for my daughter. Seriously, the evils of this world give me the hives. But I trust Who holds our future. I must. It's too scary otherwise. For right now, I'm just thankful my children still talk to me about the big stuff.

Sarah said...

P.S. Go read the post on my blog and it sounds like you would LOVE that book mentioned if you haven't already read it. I think I'm going to get it this summer.