Sunday, February 15, 2009

Central Market

Sharla has a new favorite store.  The Central Market is in Southlake and it is what you would call a cool store.  It has everything you need and a whole bunch of stuff you will only need to buy if your friends from New York come to visit you.  30 different types of cheese, every sea food and shell fish you can imagine and a fresh produce section that is straight from the farm.  It is a cool place to shop, and there a candy section that you can buy per pound or you can just go by and sample each one for free, at least that is what my dad taught me when I was a boy.  Oh well, if you live in the area or can find one near your home I would recommend a Central Market visit.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yeah, you KNOW we've got one on every corner in Abilene. (snort)!

Love those kinds of stores more all the time. Miss being close enough to Austin to run down for a Central Market run!

Hope everyone is better!