Saturday, May 23, 2009

Fighter, Lover, or Chicken

What are you?  A Fighter, a Lover, or a Chicken?  Sure you can be a combination of the 3 but most people tend to lean heavily to one of the 3.  I am not here to admit my own personal opinion of myself, or of any other person, but I do think that one of the 3 classifications describe most of us fairly well.

When was the last time you were in a fight.  Not an argument, or a confrontation, but a knock down, drag out, cuss, swear, punch, hit, kick, grab, last man standing, fight?  It has been a while for me personally.  6th grade the best I can recall, but that almost changed this past week.  It was ...........?

The story is good, but the details aren't mine to share.  Sorry.  But I would like to ask a question and maybe get some responses flowing.  Where is the craziest place you have seen, or for some of you, been apart of a brawl?  I would love to see if your story can match mine.  This is your chance to confess.  Come on, it will be fun.


kel said...

i'm certainly in the chicken-lover spectrum, but i did almost get punched about a year ago. i thought it would be funny to scare a coworker when he was coming out of the bathroom. and let me tell you it was HILARIOUS!!! but he's kind of a tough guy, and his first reaction was to pull his arm back and fist up. i laughed for about ten minutes while he tried to catch his breath, but in the end he hugged me. i laughed every few minutes every time i thought about it for the next three days. it would've been totally worth getting punched for.

brianchante said...

Just last week when I was driving down Denton Hwy about 12:30pm. There were two cars parked half in and half out of the middle turn lane. A lady was out of her car and was punching the guy sitting in the drivers side of the other car. It was crazy. I have a more personal story involving me, Tiffany Obar and some drunk lady but I'll tell you that one in person. It is much better when I can show you how tuff I acted (since back then I was all of 90lbs. and 5 feet tall)