Tuesday, June 02, 2009


Blake lost his first tooth.  It has been loose for about 3 weeks, but this past week while Shar and the kids were in Temple it became a hanger; only staying in his mouth by a thread.  So Shar shows it to Mrs. Dana and the nurse in her cannot help but take action.  Blake's trust in her stems from the history that we share with our kids, that Dana got them out of mommy's tummy.  So when Dana told Blake to open his mouth so she could "see" his tooth he did not hesitate.  Thanks for your help Dana.  We love you.  

Blake raked it in with his first tooth.  $5.00 and a gold coin.  The gold coin will be his prize for future teeth, but we wanted to signify the first tooth with a larger sum of money.  Blake is growing up so fast, and I am amazed at how quickly time is moving by us.  What a joy it is to be a parent.


kel said...

my nephew lost his first tooth recently, and the first thing my sister did was make mashed potatoes so he could squish them through the hole. passing on traditions, good times :)

Scott said...

Congrats dad! Love those memories.

Alyssa said...

Lauren recently lost her first tooth too. It makes her seem so big! I can't believe those guys are growing up so fast!

Sherry Caffey said...

already lost the first tooth!! That picture is so cute.