Sunday, June 29, 2008

ER in Keller

I have a few things I have been wanting to write about, but sometimes life over rules a great story you want to share gets pushed back another day or two due to the fact that life comes at you and hits you in the mouth......ha, ha, ha.

Here is a great pic. of Shar from Saturday night. I would assume that some you think that I finally took care of business and set things straight in my house.  You would be wrong, but thank for your support and prayers in that matter.

Shar lost a battle with the end of a broom while trying to sweep off the front porch.  She received 3 stitches after I told her a butterfly bandage would not hold, and forced her to the Care Now Center.  This is just the way we wanted to spend our Saturday night.  I would love to hear the comments on this one.  I am so sorry Shar for your accident.  You did great with the stitches.  We love you.



Sarah said...

As one who has SEVERELY sprained an ankle simply walking down my own hall, I have NO comment about an attack by a broom. I'm just impressed she was sweeping off the porch! And, I'm WIDE AWAKE after a Sunday evening visit to the ER in Abilene for my 10 year old. Would you believe that the same child can fracture the same foot in the same way 8 months later? It was a little excessively exciting since there had been some 'hanging out at the 7-11' violence that resulted in a 19 year old being shot (and, I later found out, killed) about the same time Riley got hurt. We got in on some HIGH drama at the ER! It all made me very thankful to come back home...

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Sharla did that, are you sure it wasn't really Byron? He was so ashamed of himself he did a photoshop picture rig on Sharla?

Chelsea said...

awww... poor Sharla! Brooms are dangerous, I've never been personally attacked like that, but geez, you have to watch out for them. Hope she is doing ok! Miss you guys!

Unknown said...

What does the broom look like? Did you go down swinging Sharla?

Kelly Sessions said...

awww thats so sad! Well just to let you know the table has it out for my left leg...stupid furniture!!

I hope Sharla is alright:)

Scott & Erica said...

sharla you are a good sport.