Thursday, January 15, 2009

Goodbye Mr. President

George W. Bush gave his final speech tonight to our nation.  The President gave a good, brief speech listing his successes and admitting that not every decision that he made was a perfect one.  The speech was a humble one, with congratulations to the incoming leader, and with hope and warning for the days ahead.  

I liked President Bush as a leader of our nation.  I do not claim to be a strong or even good political analyst, but I did always look at President Bush as an honest leader who tried to do what was right for the country.  

No leader of our nation has ever been perfect, and that goes the same for President Bush and for President elect Obama.  There will be many who question the legacy that President Bush leaves behind and there will be many that adore it, and the same will be true for our future leaders.  

I do have some worries about the direction our country will take in the next 4 years and I worry about the policies and ideas that President elect Obama expresses at this time in his political career.  I do not think that everything Bush did was perfect, as I equally will not believe that everything Obama does will be wrong.  They are both human, and full of flaw and error.  

I am talking in circles and without a clear point, but I am going to wrap things up by saying that I appreciate the job that President Bush has done and I am trusting that God will guide the men and women that lead our nation in the coming years.

1 comment:

J-Wild said...

Had a big long response to your post, but then changed my mind. The central point you make is so important. Whoever holds the office of President has shortcomings like everyone does. And those shortcomings can have a disastrous effect on the nation or a transformational one. Although I would argue that these leaders essentially aren't like the rest of us because most sane people would never think of wanting the job in the first place. Particularly at this moment in time.

What is amazing to me. Is that the peaceful transfer of power will take place. All the negative aspects inherently linked to power cannot override this fundamental aspect of American Democracy. And those who have led this country as President all seem to respect and honor that to their core.

Are you going to watch the inauguration?